
See the Adult Behind the Behavior

Why  learn to "See the Adult Behind the Behavior"? Because it isn't just children who have challenging behaviors. Adults have challenging behavior, too! When we shame, blame, and punish children, for instance. Challenging to the child, for sure, but also for the...

Mindfulness in the Classroom

It's not as hard as you might think! In this podcast, Laura talks to Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak about what mindfulness in early childhood education means, offers some easy ways to embed the practice into your classroom or home, and some of the brain benefits for...

Teach with the Brain in Mind

In Teach with the Brain in Mind, Laura discusses the developmental appropriateness of some common early childhood teaching practices from a brain perspective. Laura invties listeners to "update their software" regarding some of their beliefs to align with 21st Century...

See the Child Behind the Behavior

Want to work smarter, not harder when challenges arise with children? It starts with learning to see the child behind the behavior. In this podcast, Laura explores the connection among brain development, basic needs, the brain's drives, and it's operating systems....

Attuned Engagement

In this podcast, Laura discusses how attuned engagement and contingent communication serve as foundational strategies for healthy development in children.  Sadly, you might be surprised to find that you don't practice these fundamental skills with children. Why?...

Praise, Rewards, and Punishment

When you think about these three teaching tools: praise, rewards, and punishment, do you find that you use them regularly? Many teachers and parents do! In this episode of the Pre K Teach and Play podcast, hosted by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, I am joined by Dr....


Want children to behave? Involve them!

Want children to behave? Involve them!

How do children learn appropriate behaviors? We involve them! We may need to make some updates to our approach, however, to teach with the brain in mind. 21st...

See the Child Behind the Behavior

See the Child Behind the Behavior

Humans use both language and actions to express themselves. Children often express with behavior what they cannot put into words, leaving adults to decode the...

Understanding Gaslighting

Understanding Gaslighting

Every once in a while, I feel compelled to clear up some “misinformation” ubiquitously shared. Today, the focus is understanding gaslighting. Gaslighting is...

Prevent anxiety disorders in children

Prevent anxiety disorders in children

Anxiety has outpaced depression as the number one mental illness in this country. While everyone will experience anxiety in their lifetime, we can prevent...

How the Negativity Bias Shapes Behavior

How the Negativity Bias Shapes Behavior

Does it feel like you mostly notice the things children are doing wrong? Do you tend to focus on challenges in your life in general more than what is going...

Promoting mindfulness in the classroom

Promoting mindfulness in the classroom

In recent years, mindfulness seems to have garnered quite a bit of interest in the West. People regularly talk about being mindful, but what does that mean?...

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