Why  learn to “See the Adult Behind the Behavior”? Because it isn’t just children who have challenging behaviors. Adults have challenging behavior, too! When we shame, blame, and punish children, for instance. Challenging to the child, for sure, but also for the people working with that adult if they don’t agree with these tactics. As a coach, mentor, mental health specialist, or supervisor, challenging behavior from the adults impacts your job satisfaction.  

See the Adult Behind the Behavior

In this podcast, Laura and Kristie Pretti-Frontczak reflect upon the parallel process between developing children’s brains and minds and those of adults. In addition, the two explore the parallels between the genesis of challenging behaviors for both adults and children. The brain reasons for behaviors. Going further, Laura offers ways to shift yourself from reactive mode to responsive mode to navigate these challenges with the brain in mind.  This entails bringing a sense of openness and receptivity to your work with adults to create a climate of safety. Safety, then, breeds productivity. Once we understand the “brain reasons” for behavior, it is easier to See the Adult Behind the Behavior!

Visit Pre-K Teach and Play’s website for the podcast, or click below to listen here!