Most teachers have confidence in their ability to form relationships with the children or students in their classroom. When asked to articulate how they do so, however, can they describe the specifics of attuned interactions through contingent communication and how these practices actually promote learning and prevent challenging behavior? Not typically. Learn about the power of attuned engagement to prevent challenging behavior!

Attuned communication involves more than observing children. What then? It requires the ability to consider the child’s perspctive. This means, tuning in to the child’s thoughts, feelings, beliefs, body sensations and teaching the child to do the same! Through both intra and interpersonal attunement strategies adults in this workshop will walk away with a cadre of strategies. With them, they promote the social, emotinal, and relational skills that prevent challening behavior.

This training will provide findings from neuroscience that point to attuned communication as the foundation of nurturing and responsive relationships, while providing educators with numerous strategies for this brain, mind and relationship building form of communication that may minimize their need for classroom “management.” With the power of attuned engagement, children feel seen, soothed, safe, and secure. The result? Less challenging behavior!

For more about this important topic, listen to my podcast “Attuned Engagement and Contingent Communication,” and look for several videos on my You Tube Channel. Email me to transform your classroom today!








Hear Laura discuss Attuned Interactions and Contingent on the Early Childhood Research Podcast, Episode 19.