Looking to strengthen your understanding of children’s development, learning, and behavior? Start by “seeing” the child behind the behavior.

What does that mean? Separate the child and the behavior. See both. The child’s behavior communicates something important that the child can’t put into words. From there, we teach the child new ways to behavior to get their needs expressed.

In this article, Laura connects how the brain’s drives, needs, and operating systems (zones) work together to impact behavior. When we focus only on the form of the behavior, we risk reacting in ways that might make the behavior worse in the long run. And, most important, we fail to promote the child’s sense of being seen, soothed, safe, and secure.

Laura’s approach, seeing the child behind the behavior, guides adults in the art of decoding children’s behaviors from a place of connectivity, not reactivity. To consider social, emotional, and relational health. Not just stopping behaviors. The result? Teaching and parenting with the brain in mind and children who receive the attuned guidance needed for healthy development.

If you are looking to teach or parent smarter instead of harder, read this article. Want more information? Visit my Instagram, Facebook, or You Tube for videos, articles, and conversations on this important topic.