Conflict Resolution with children remains challenging for most adults. We tend to swoop in as the judge, referee, or umpire with, “Who had it first? Put that back. Give her a turn,” or other “helpful” solutions.
But how does that TEACH children to resolve problems or conflicts? Often, adults give broad dictates to work it out. Or worse, dole out punishments when conflicts arise with no opportunity for reflective thinking or collaborative solution efforts. This does not teach children the important skill of resolving challenges.
In this training, adults learn the latest research in brain science about what to expect from children in conflict, how to teach them steps for problem solving and conflict resolution, and ways to individualize these steps based on the child’s developmental stage and ability.
Most importantly, participants learn their role as the facilitator of the conflict. Not the problem solver. Instead, learn how to teach children to think through their problems, express their feelings, and come up with solutions alongside their peers.
To see Laura’s steps to conflict resolution in action, watch classroom footage shot by Laura on her You Tube Channel. Or, read about the brain science on my Resources page.
This training can be for parents or educators of children ages 3-17.