Adults are experiencing more stress than ever before. The demands placed upon us are manifold, and yet very little is provided to help build protective factors that build resilience and manage stress. Parents and Teachers tell me, “I can’t do anything else. I’m tapped out!”

What would you think if I told you that you could work smarter, not harder, when it comes to children if you made just a few updates to your understanding of child development? Sounds good, right?

In this training, participants will learn about the connection between adults’ mental and physical heath and children’s behavior. Simultaneously, what factors may impact resiliency in adults, and habits of mind that may promote health and well-being for themselves even in the midst of challenging behavior from children.

Participants will explore the science of resilience, including how compassion toward self and others activates the circuitry in the brain that promotes well-being. With quick and efficient strategies for promoting compassion, adults can create a climate of safety to help prevent stress and promote well-being. With this, they also build resilience and manage stress!

The outcome for adults? Understanding the brain reasons for stress and the mind methods that protect from it’s impact. When we notice and name what is stressful, it actually helps tame the stress!

The outcome for children? Adults who respond versus react to challenges. So they provide a nurturing, equitable, inclusive, and safe environment for children. Less stress for adults equals less stress for children!

To learn more about adult mental health, take a listen to Laura’s podcast discussing “Seeing the Adult Behind the Behavior.” Or visit Harvard’s Center On the Developing Child to read more about the research on resilience.